Only In China

Crack In The Ground

How did that happen?

Good luck not getting sand in your eyes!

This looks like prime Photoshop material, but it's actually Princess Juliana Airport on St. Maarten, it just is that close to the beach. Good luck not getting sand in your eyes!

be thankful for everything you have

She literally lives in a drain pipe. But getting ready for school is still very important to them. This is humbling - be thankful for everything you have

Elephant trying to help a kitten


Brazilian Grape Tree

Would you like it's a pet???

You will not believe

Try This

River Drina, Serbia

The Worst Traffic Jam In History

The Worst Traffic Jam In History
The World's longest traffic jam happened in Beijing-Tibet express highway in 2010. The drivers were trapped in 62 mile traffic jam. The cars crawled at the speed of 2 miles per day and this traffic jam ended in 12 days..

Venice (Venice, Veneto, Italy)

What Do you Think ...?

Hairpin Highway, Austria

Tree of life

Tree of life More than 2000 years old In Africa

the best customized chopper ever

Amazing Train

Would you are brave enough?

Home on the sapling, bathing rooms, Ecuador.. Would you are brave enough?

cool drinking water hahaha

from the ardennen Belgium!!!!!! neat drinking water!!!!!!.